Tuesday 2 February 2016

February Update

Dear Gr. 1M Parents/Guardians,

Lots of information this month!
  1. Early dismissal tomorrow Feb.3 and February book orders are due if you are buying any books.
  2. No school Thursday & Friday - Teacher's convention
  3. If possible please return the envelope that the report card was in, I'd like to reuse it for the report card in June. Keep the purple paper report card for your records.
  4. Feb 10 - Dress up day - dress like your favourite movie/cartoon character (ex. Harry Potter, Inside Out Joy). Dressing up is optional.
  5.  Feb. 12 Our class Valentine's party will be held from 2:00-3:00pm Feb. 12. Group 3 is responsible for snacks for this party, the students are: Kassady, Zoe, Kendrick, Mikka, Brooklyn, Ryder & Landon. Just a reminder about party food – please try to bring in a healthy snack like cut up fruit, veggies, or cheese & crackers, etc.. We can have some sweets or chips but maybe let me know what you plan to bring (note in agenda or email) just so we can coordinate - so we don’t all bring the same thing! Also, please make sure that if your child is planning to hand out Valentine’s, please include ALL students in the class. There are 20 kids, 11 girls, 9 boys. The class list is printed in your child’s agenda where we normally print the spelling words.
  6. Feb. 15 - Family Day - No school - Families encouraged to try to be unplugged that day (no electronics).
  7. Feb. 17 - The Bread LadyThe Grade One classes will be participating in a program called Let's Bake”. This program brings an exciting and hands-on learning opportunity right to our classroom. We will need about 5 parent volunteers for each class if possible. This presentation combines elements of two field trips into one cost-effective day at school. It is $10 per student, I will send home a letter tomorrow (Wed.). Students learn about agriculture and how wheat is grown. They'll even get the opportunity to work with real wheat plants! Later, the students will make their own loaves of bread, starting right from the grinding of the wheat up to baking the bread. It is a wonderful opportunity to integrate many areas of the grade one curriculum into one presentation.
  8. Feb. 22 - 100th Day of School – We have a special celebration and activities planned for the 100th day of school. Each student is expected to bring in a collection of 100 things. The collection can be anything they want, but should be small like rubber bands, marbles, or cheerios. Please don't count out the 100 things for your child, get your child to do it for practice. The video below will help them group by 10's. We will display them and use the collection as manipulative's to help us with grouping and counting by 10’s.                                
  9. Feb. 24 - Pink Shirt Day - Students can wear a pink shirt this day to symbolize a stand against bullying.
I hope I didn’t forget anything! Feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Sincerely, Kim-

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